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Voxiom.io is one of the most notable rated voxel multiplayer first-person shooters inspired by Minecraft, Fortnite, and Counter-Strike where players must strategically build, build, and toss on the battlefield to get an advantage to win. If you are under invasion, you can certainly build yourself a wall for cover. You can also mine various resources to upgrade the weapon of your choice; the combo between building and crafting equipment gives the players a unique and fun first-person shooter experience. Voxiom.io currently offers 2 types of game modes: Struggle Royale and Shoot the Gems, our very own spin on Shoot The Flag.


Blocks & Shovels

There are many varieties of blocks in the sport, such as dirt, sand, environmental stone bricks, cactus, water, etc. Blocks have different hardness levels. You might use higher-tier shovels to leftovers faster. Bullets can also destroy blocks on reach. Blocks physics also exist in this game, floating blocks will be automatically destroyed.


Several two building modes are available at voxiom.io: Single stop and Wall. Players can either place blocks individually, or|in a number of up to 9 to make a wall before them instantly. Adding blocks strategically on the battlefield to provide yourself an advantage over others.


Different items have different weights in this game, changing the player’s activity speed. For example, guns make the player walk slower, so it’s better for players to transport other stuff like a shovel to increase their flexibility. Players can also sprint to increase their speed and crouch to walk in smaller tunnels.


Each map is procedurally made and completely random. You need to use the minuscule map in the most known kept place or take a tab to start to see the complete map to plan your strategy for each and every game.


Press X to toggle inventory. Inventory management is important to have success. Players should carefully plan to take ammo, blocks, guns, shovels, and consumables. Each player gets 5 Hotbar slots, 5 storage slots, and 5 ammo slots. Item pickups are automatic. Players can also drop items by pressing G or using the mouse to click items beyond the inventory view.


Players start at 100 health, but shield potions enable you to increase their shield (up to 100). Furthermore, there's also recovering itemslike the drugs supplement and medical equipmentto regenerate player health. Consumables may be found all over the place on the map in chests/crates.


W  to  Walk forward

S  to Walk backward

A to  Walk left

D to Walk right

Space to Jump

E to Interact

X to start out  Inventory

Use mouse left click and right-click to swap items

C to Crouch

Hold Shift to  Sprint

Hold Tab to see Map

Left Mouse Button for Most important action on item: Shoot 

Right Mouse Button for Extra action on item: Target/ Turn stop location mode