Run Away 3

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Run Away 3 is an adventure game in which you play the role of a little extraterrestrial that needs your assistance to explore and progress across the cosmos.

Instructions for Run Away 3

In Run Away 3, you take on the role of an alien grey and go through an infinite network of tunnels in space. The two different kinds are the short and the long leaps. When you click on the arrow, there will be a brief acceleration. If you hold down the arrow button for a lengthy period of time, you will be able to increase the distance and height of your jumps. You will gain access to 15 additional characters once you have completed each of the game's stages. In Infinity Mode, you may also gather money to unlock characters by playing through the game.

Modes in Run Away 3:

The game may be played in either the Infinite mode or the Explore mode. While in explore mode, you will make your way through the many levels of each map. When you have completed a previous map, you will be able to gain access to other maps. You have the option of playing in an unlimited mode if you want to compete against other players and leave your mark on the leaderboard.

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