Save My Pet Party

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Following the same principle of safeguarding canines, Save My Pet Party is another fantastic Save The Dog spin-off.

How to play Save My Pet Party

Right now, you can engage in mental exercises and unwind with Save My Pet Party for free. The game's rules are straightforward. All that is required is to calculate and draw in order to prevent pets from being hived by ravenous bees.  When playing solo (1P), utilize the mouse to draw, and the wasps will commence their assault automatically upon completion.

Key Features

  • Numerous animals are available for you to acquire, such as the tiger, monkey, panda, reptile, poultry, koala, and duck. 
  • Compete in both single-player and two-player modes.
  • Interesting and free puzzle game.

Similar games with the same rules

  • Player 1: Use "W, A, S, D" and "E" to draw.
  • Player 2: Use "ARROW KEYS" and "L" to draw.