Save My Hero

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Save My Hero is a well-known puzzle game inspired by Save The Dog, and your primary goal is to create everything necessary to safeguard the superhero.

How to Save My Hero

Inspired by Save The Dog and including numerous renowned figures such as Iron Man, Batman, and Spider-Man, Save My Hero asks players to handle a superhero under attack by missiles. You must draw to protect him in 10 seconds. If the superhero is safe, you may complete the stages. You will receive a few stars based on how long you draw. There are several levels with various sorts of challenges that will surprise you. When you level up or get enough points, you may pick from a variety of heroic characters. Do not forget to change their appearance to make the game more fun.


  • The game is designed with simple drawing principles to safeguard the key characters.
  • Levels are varied and simple to complete.
  • Some levels may be difficult to complete; remember to utilize the suggestion.

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